As Good Friday and Easter is around the corner, allow me to testify once again my believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of us may know and are very familiar with the stories of the Cross and the Empty Tomb, but what are they to you? I am no preacher. Neither am I religious. But each year, I always like to share my belief and what Good Friday and Easter means to every born again child of God. This is only my testimony and my belief. It is up to the readers to find out what theirs are!

So, may this poem speak to all of us…..


The Way to the Cross,

Shows God’s Grace and Love

To all living things on earth!

The vicarious death of Christ on the Cross,

Shows His obedience to be

The sacrificial Lamb for our atonement;

Paid in full once and for all,

To free us from the bondage of Sin and Death,

Reconciling us with God forever!

The Empty Tomb speaks of Christ‘s power over Death,

His Resurrection confirms what He has claimed to be,

The Truth of the Resurrected Life has made plain,

For those who would hear and thus proclaim:

His Second Coming will soon prove,

The fulfillment of His Promise,

To welcome all who believe in Him,

That wherever He is, so will we be,

In His Kingdom where God is!